The publication presents theoretical and practical social policy problems and its links to such issues as the intergenerational transfer of educational capital, technological innovation, the job decency and its future, or the new social risk of dependency. At the same time it responds to the need to disseminate the findings of the latest scientific research, including those carried out by the Institute of Labour and Social Studies. It also aims to raise awareness of the processes that determine the conduct of social policy and to show the interface between science and practice. At the same time it refers to a series of debates promoting knowledge on social policy — “Between Science and Practice”, organized by the Institute of Labour and Social Studies (ILSS).
Introduction 7
I. Labour market and education
Gertruda Uścińska
Financing social insurance in the context of labour market challenges
and demographic processes 13
Cecylia Sadowska-Snarska
Work-Life Balance – family in the labour market context 35
Ewa Flaszyńska
Illusory unemployed – health insurance at the labour office 57
Stefan M. Kwiatkowski
Intergenerational transfer of educational capital. Theory and practice
of sharing knowledge, skills and social competences 67
II. Decent job
Łukasz Sienkiewicz
Decent job – concept, measurement and practice in market and organizational dimensions 83
Zdzisław Czajka
Determinants of decent work and employees’ expectations 98
Anna Jawor-Joniewicz
Towards decent working conditions – an analysis of CSR practices 115
III. Technology vs. labour
Beata Woźniak-Jęchorek
Future of labour – gig economy 133
Łukasz Arendt
Disruptive technologies and the labour market – a retrospective
theoretical approach 151
Iwona Kukulak-Dolata
The role of digital technologies in the labour market segmentation process 168
IV. Dependency and long-term care
Gertruda Uścińska
Long term care dependence – the new social risk 187
Elżbieta Bojanowska
Risk of dependency in the population of the elderly accompanied
by a need for long-term care 205
V. Foreign experiences
Zbigniew Klimiuk
In the search for a more fair socio-economic system. The German economy
in the post-war period (1950–1970) – theoretical and model dilemmas
and economic policy 223